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Well-paced interviews, best questions
Teal brings on interesting and articulate guests. She asks good questions and then gets out of the way. They explore our work/life intersections that are so current and timely. Warm and pretty wise for her tender years!

A Podcast anyone & everyone can benefit by listening to
Real with Teal is a podcast that everyone needs to listen to. No matter what age, gender, or walk in life you are in - you can benefit from this show. Teal shares honest advice and tactical mindset shifts from her journey that are truly transformative. I absolutely love this show!

Love this pod so much
Teal is amazing. She is truly real and makes you feel like you’re part of the conversation. Her guests are amazing and always expand my mindset!!!

5 Stars!!!
Great show! Keep it up!!!

The real deal
Thus podcast is incredible❤️✨

Amazing podcast
I’m obsessed with this podcast! Teal is so open, vulnerable, but also hilarious. I already listened to all the episodes, can’t wait for more to come out!

The BEST PODCAST ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
A must listen! Teal is bringing the spiritual truth to entrepreneurship. She is a leading voice in changing the way we work. She will inspire you with mindset tips to shift your vibration so you can attract more of what you desire in your business and work. Loving the guests she’s had on so far and can’t wait for more. It’s getting realllll! Thank you Teal for putting this important message out to the world — we need it and we need you and your voice! So excited to add this podcast to my weekly rotation.